Saturday, September 8, 2012

School Daze!

What a glorious find for a perpetual student!

Perhaps everyone else already knows all about this, but it's new information to me.   It seems that major universities such as Duke, Princeton, Johns Hopkins, University of Michigan, University of Edinburgh, University of California Berkeley, Stanford, Rice, and so on, are offering FREE online courses!

Now, they don't offer any credit hours, but the courses look interesting and varied.  They are offering everything from medical courses to science, humanities, and philosophy.  There is a poetry course starting this Monday from the University of Pennsylvania.  I think I just may sign up.  There are other courses that interest me as well, and since I want to be able to absorb as much as possible, I want to choose wisely and not take too many at a time.

If you have an interest, here's the link to FREE SCHOOL:


  1. Now if that doesn't lift you out of that wee bit of depression, I don't know what will!! I always love learning new things too and have started just researching on my own when questions arise. I was just thinking yesterday about how I love writing term papers. Yes, I am a weirdo...but I love just plain love to write. Term papers are mini books that educate and I love that! As much as I love literature, I confess to not being a fan of poetry. Way too much over analyzation when I was in school. LOL

    Congrats my friend! I know you will excel and have a blast at the same time. I'm going to bookmark that link. I want to see if there are any art history courses available! Thank you!

  2. I hope you find a course you like. :) If there isn't anything scheduled yet that interests you, keep the link bookmarked because I'm sure they'll continue to add more courses. You might even shoot them an email making a request.

    I had to laugh when I read your comment on term papers. Count me in as a fellow weirdo because I love school, homework, the whole nine yards. Not such a bad thing!

  3. Oddly enough, I did see a couple of courses that have roused my interest. One is a business stats course, another is logic and a third was a math course. I think one may have started already, one is in the spring and the other two start in a couple of weeks. I just didn't sign up yet because I'm afraid that I just won't have the time to give it with working (they even give you an approximate amount of time needed per week for the lessons). I'm also not sure if I have enough of a background to do well and honestly it would kill me if I didn't do well. Oy. Who am I kidding? I always do well in school! LOL (Now if I could just transfer that on over to real life it would be awesome!!)

  4. LOL! Same here my dear! If only I had a 4.0 in mothering, housekeeping, cooking, etc.
