Saturday, December 15, 2012

...and the search continues...

On Tuesday the electronics company called at 11:30 in the morning to tell me that they had to cancel my 3:00 pm second interview because the owner was called away to bid an important job. The owner's  wife went on and on about how it was vital to the company that they try to get this large job and how they hoped I understood. She promised that they would call back on Wednesday to reschedule.

Of course, true to form, Wednesday came without a word from them. Finally, I called them on Friday, just to be told by the owner, quite rudely, that I should look for another job. He said that they'd already hired someone some time ago and then said that they have another girl who has given her notice and will be leaving after the first of the year. He suggested that I call back and reapply for that job when it is advertised in January.

I think not.  These bozos have led me on a merry chase since October. I'm gladly washing my hands of them.

Tuesday I also had an interview with a dermatology office.  Wow!  It was so impressive!  More like a dermatology hospital!

The interview went well and by the next day I was hearing from my references that they had been called and that their discussions with the dermatology office went well.

Friday morning they called and told me that they had decided to go with another candidate who had more straight medical dermatology experience.  She said that too much of my experience was diverted into things such as Botox, dermal fillers and other cosmetic procedures which their medical department never did.  She said she'd keep my resume on file, blah, blah, blah.  At least she had the courtesy to call me and let me know that they selected another applicant.

By noon on Friday, I received an email from an optical clinic right down the street from me.  The doctor had reviewed my resume and emailed me asking if we could conduct a phone interview today (Saturday) at 9:00 am.  Of course I said yes, and she called right on time this morning.

She's a lovely young lady, and this is her first practice.  That makes it a bit risky because she just opened her practice in July and is still trying to build up a practice.  I don't really care though.  If I should be offered a position and the place folds, as long as I work there long enough to get unemployment until I find a new job I won't feel anxious about it.

The phone interview went well and we had a nice chat.  She's interviewing a ton of people by phone though, and isn't even going to start arranging live interviews for another week or so and will not want anyone to start until after the first of the year.

At this point I've come to the conclusion that I'm out of work until the beginning of the year as a best case scenario.

I'm a bit disappointed and don't feel much one way or the other about the optical job.  The close proximity to home would be nice though.  We'll see if anything comes of it beyond a pleasant conversation.

My hubby and I have discussed it, and if I don't have a job lined up by the beginning of the year, I'm going to go back to school for a couple of months and get a few more medical certifications to increase my employment opportunities. The courses come with externships, which means I'll be able to work as a student in a local hospital and a local lab, and there is always a possibility of getting hired directly during externship.

Am I a bit blue about all of this?  Absolutely.  I feel over-the-hill and unwanted.  I don't mean to whine, but geez!  So much rejection!

I think I'm going to just take the attitude that I'm on holiday until the first of the year when I either begin a new job or new coursework.  I'm going to work on some art and crafting projects that I've been neglecting, get my office in shape so that I can transition it from an office to more of a studio, and take this time to enjoy the holidays.  I'm going to challenge myself to do SOMETHING on my art projects each day (beginning tomorrow - it's 12 am now).

I'm going to treat this as a fun and adventurous time for myself.

I'm also going to pamper myself a bit.  I'm going to start working out again, ask my niece over to help me go through my closet once more and help me put together some snappy outfits (I think I'm dating myself by the way I dress for interviews - too matronly).

I'm going to give myself a decent mani and pedi.  And a facial.  Lots of them.

I'm going to try styling my hair in different ways.

I'll go see The Hobbit.

I'm going to go to the little Christmas Village the local garden shop puts on each year.  It's utterly charming and used to be a tradition each year when my son was small.  I doubt he'll go with me (I'll ask, but I think it's a bit much to ask at his age, LOL).  I'll go myself, take some pictures, and drink in the holiday "magic".

I'm going to reattach the fairy door to the side of my favorite tree.  Somehow it came lose this autumn and is laying forlorn beside the tree.  I'll go out and reattach it and glue some ultra fine silver glitter to the base and to the trunk of the tree.  Then when we get some snow I'll go out and sprinkle a bit of ultra fine glitter at the base of each tree, splash a bit on the trunks, and shake some on the snow on the front walk.

I did this last year and it looked absolutely amazing!  It was quite subtle actually, but at different times during the day the sun would hit a spot of glitter and it would just shine like a star for a short while!  Always brought a smile to my face.  Even in the spring the bits of sparkle dust were well embedded into the cement on the sidewalk, and in the bright sunlight and during a full moon there was a dreamy, subtle shimmer to the walk.


Since I know I'm going to be off work for a while, I'm going to savor this time rather than spend it fretting.  I will miss these days off work once I'm back putting in 40 hours or more a week or am back hitting the books and doing clinicals.  I don't want to look back and regret that I didn't enjoy my time off.

Oh, I'll definitely continue applying for every job that opens, but I'm going to apply and then forget about it.  Fretting over each phone call or interview isn't going to get me anywhere.

Time for me to put on my big girl panties (is it okay if they have sequins?) and start loving and living each day for what it brings and trust God with my future!

It's off to bed with me now.  I'm going to snuggle under my blankets with my snoring sweetheart and read a romantic novel with my little book light so I don't wake him.  Church in the morning, then I'll begin work on a project of some kind.  I have many ideas, particularly a BIG idea for an art project that is way beyond my abilities and reach I think, but what the heck!  Nothing ventured, nothing gained!

Time to stop pouting and start LIVING in capital letters!


  1. So glad to hear all of the positive energies. I so know what you mean about being discouraged with the rejection. I've had so much rejection in my life (and still do, I think) that I try very hard to not even set myself up for it. Keeps me from doing alot of things. I cannot imagine you being matronly in any way, shape, or form. Me? Another story (I look like my Great Aunt Bess now). Hope you handsome son will go with you to the Christmas village!!

  2. Wishing you, your husband, your son and all your family members a most joyous Christmas, my dear Cate. I also hope that 2013 is a year full of blessings for you.

    If it is any consolation, I, at times, don't always read people correctly either. LOL People are mercurial, interesting, funny, weird, straight-laced and proper, narcissistic, humble, giving, selfish...Would that we all could have the turn-around as Mr. Ebeneezer Scrooge had!

  3. Dear Cate - I found your blog through Sherry's post and your comment. Hope you will find a job soon. God's timing never seems like our own but when we look back He never shows up too late or too early - He is alway right on time. Take care my friend and I will visit again soon.

  4. Ms. Cate, I'm worrying about you and want to make sure all is well?
